According to Dearing and Rogers, 1996, the agenda setting process is an ongoing competition among issue proponents to gain the attention of media professionals, the public, and policy elites. It is a process which helps people to eventually judge and perceive a matter to be more important than the other.
Agenda setting plays an important role in our lives, as it purpose is to inform the public about current and past events. It also controls on the intake of information mediated from different media such as newspaper, radios or television. Through agenda setting, the news is also prioritized and are organized based on its hierarchy of importance.
Agenda setting are of two levels. the first level talks about the common subject that claims to be the most important, and the second level decides what parts of the subject are important. This media, not only influence us on what to think about, evaluating issue an so on, but they also influence how we think on them. They do this by what they call, framing.
Framing determines the salience of one different story with another. They look at what topics are important. The frame processes are firstly, the frame amplification, which is simply clarifying on story or issue. Then, frame extension, which is the adding or extending of the issue to either strengthen them or explaining them further. Frame bridging is similar to extension, which is the linkage of two or more stories. Lastly is the frame transformation which is changing the content of the issue into something entirely different.
Examples below:
It's first level agenda is on the "Massive Tidal wave" that has hit Sri Lanka. Following that, there's a 2nd level agenda, which is somewhat a continuation of the first, but are only focuses on specific parts of the subject. The 2nd level agenda from the newspaper above could be: "Prisoners flee as water pours in".
This also explains and shows the way the issues are framed. It started with the amplification process on the issue, "massive tidal wave". It amplified this issue to show that it is the current hot news for the country. This issue is then extended by adding issues towards what had happen, which is the tidal wave. The frame extension here could be the issue on the prisoners fleeing as the tidal wave's water poured onto the prisoners. Then, there is also frame bridging, which is a linkage of two similar stories. From the article above, this could be how it is a linkage of stories on natural disasters, which is the "Tidal wave" issue, with the "strongest earthquake in 50 years".
Frame transformation is on the "top level meeting at President's house" article. The change of the content of article could be because they wanted to balance the news, to have a balance of good and bad news.
The way this agendas are presented are prioritized based on the demands. Roger and Dearing said that this concept is a process that are of 3 parts.
1) The Media Agenda: This talks about what the media discussed that feels important to them.
2) The Public Agenda: This talks about what the media thinks is important to wards the public.
3) The Policy Agenda: This talks about what is important towards important officials such as the government officials.
In conclusion, this theory has many useful uses towards our society. It controls what we see and hear and then prioritize the news based on what the media thinks is an importance to us. It also show how the media has the power to influence the public, and that the public is free to choose what they want to believe base on the different media there is, since different media presents different issues.
McCombs, M., & Shaw, D.L. (1972). The agenda-setting function of the mass media. Public Opinion Quarterly, 36, 176-185.
Dearing, J. W. & Rogers, E. V. (1996). Communication Cocepts 6: Agenda Setting. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications
Agenda setting plays an important role in our lives, as it purpose is to inform the public about current and past events. It also controls on the intake of information mediated from different media such as newspaper, radios or television. Through agenda setting, the news is also prioritized and are organized based on its hierarchy of importance.
Agenda setting are of two levels. the first level talks about the common subject that claims to be the most important, and the second level decides what parts of the subject are important. This media, not only influence us on what to think about, evaluating issue an so on, but they also influence how we think on them. They do this by what they call, framing.
Framing determines the salience of one different story with another. They look at what topics are important. The frame processes are firstly, the frame amplification, which is simply clarifying on story or issue. Then, frame extension, which is the adding or extending of the issue to either strengthen them or explaining them further. Frame bridging is similar to extension, which is the linkage of two or more stories. Lastly is the frame transformation which is changing the content of the issue into something entirely different.
Examples below:
It's first level agenda is on the "Massive Tidal wave" that has hit Sri Lanka. Following that, there's a 2nd level agenda, which is somewhat a continuation of the first, but are only focuses on specific parts of the subject. The 2nd level agenda from the newspaper above could be: "Prisoners flee as water pours in".
This also explains and shows the way the issues are framed. It started with the amplification process on the issue, "massive tidal wave". It amplified this issue to show that it is the current hot news for the country. This issue is then extended by adding issues towards what had happen, which is the tidal wave. The frame extension here could be the issue on the prisoners fleeing as the tidal wave's water poured onto the prisoners. Then, there is also frame bridging, which is a linkage of two similar stories. From the article above, this could be how it is a linkage of stories on natural disasters, which is the "Tidal wave" issue, with the "strongest earthquake in 50 years".
Frame transformation is on the "top level meeting at President's house" article. The change of the content of article could be because they wanted to balance the news, to have a balance of good and bad news.
The way this agendas are presented are prioritized based on the demands. Roger and Dearing said that this concept is a process that are of 3 parts.
1) The Media Agenda: This talks about what the media discussed that feels important to them.
2) The Public Agenda: This talks about what the media thinks is important to wards the public.
3) The Policy Agenda: This talks about what is important towards important officials such as the government officials.
In conclusion, this theory has many useful uses towards our society. It controls what we see and hear and then prioritize the news based on what the media thinks is an importance to us. It also show how the media has the power to influence the public, and that the public is free to choose what they want to believe base on the different media there is, since different media presents different issues.
Assignment -
"Public Gone Wild"
The Minister of Health of a country "X" is very concerned that the older citizens are spitting and urinating in public places and the younger generation believes that to be a cultural norm. This will adversely affect the image and economy of the country as foreign companies will be less willing to invest in a country that cannot manage public deviance that fosters an unhealthy environment. The government believes that public education must start immediately.
At the same time, a public survey was recently conducted by an independent body and the predominant public concern is the lack of primary schools for younger children who are working and running amok in the streets, which is causing a rise in criminal activities. The public believes that public education must begin with the development of schools so that a higher educated population will curb the acts of social deviance. In the long run, these changes will attract investors and help the economy.
Priority: Public Agenda
First level agenda setting: Public Education
Second-level agenda setting: Children loitering around, Increase in crime, The country's economy, The country's image,
Frame amplification: Focus on how public education can benefit children and then promote on how public education can benefit the public too as a whole
Frame extension: Add the story on how the economy may rise when public education is enforced
Frame bridging: Shows how public education can now keep kids in school, having less crimes. This will lead to a better image of the country and thus investors will gain faith towards the country.
Dearing, J. W. & Rogers, E. V. (1996). Communication Cocepts 6: Agenda Setting. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications